Bookworms In Action, Life, Random, Thoughts

Book Review:- 你若盛开,蝴蝶自来:受欢迎的女性情商课

Hello to all bookworms out there. Today’s blog post will be a book review on a Chinese book titled 你若盛开,蝴蝶自来:受欢迎的女性情商课. It was written by an author named 雅楠. There will be a total of 7 chapters. It belongs to the category of non fiction and personal growth. Read on to know more about this awesome book. 🙂

The book begins with how a woman needs to play a lot of roles in this modern world. A woman needs to play the role of a good daughter, a good wife and a good person in general. We should all learn to be a better person by cultivating a good personality especially a lady. A lady should always remember to be their main lead in life. We only live life once, so we should treasure every moment of our life. To feel blissful, we should all work hard towards the goals that we have set for ourselves. Women should never wait for other people to grant us the feeling of blissfulness. We are strong enough to get what we want by ourselves. 🙂

As a woman, we should also use all our past experiences to enhance our soul to make it stronger. Whenever life throws us some obstacles, we would be able to overcome as long as we keep reminding ourselves that we are stronger than how we initially look. The author also said that we should not rush into a relationship or marriage just because everyone else is doing so. We should all follow our heart and make the best decision for ourselves at that very moment. Because at the end of the day, we are the ones that know what is best suited to our own needs. 🙂

I will give this wonderful book a rating of 4 out of 5 stars. I totally agree with how the author expressed herself. After reading this amazing book, it reminded me that I’m much stronger than how others perceive me. I’m strong enough to handle life however it treated me. For those of you who would like to read the full book, go google for the titled 你若盛开,蝴蝶自来:受欢迎的女性情商课. Hope you all enjoy reading my book review. Wishing everyone have a blessed day ahead. 🙂


BookwormMindy 😛

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