Bookworms In Action, Life, Random, Thoughts

Book Review:- 你今天真好吃

Hello to all bookworms out there. Today’s blog post will be a book review on a cartoon book titled 你今天真好吃. It was written by 美莉兹·克里莫 and translated by 三三. It belongs to the category of fantasy and inspiration. Read on to know more about this lovely book. 🙂

It begins with how the main character is a rabbit that barges into a bear’s land and makes a mess on its lawn. The bear wanted to eat the rabbit as it was hungry. The rabbit treated the bear to a box of pizza in exchange for its own safety. The bear proceeded to say that if it does not eat the rabbit, it’s friends will laugh at it. The rabbit let the bear kidnapped it for a distance to show the bear’s friends that the rabbit is in doom. 😉

The rabbit decided to bid goodbye to the bear after his friends left. The bear refused to let the rabbit leave and it was livid. The rabbit wanted the bear to eat it to end the day quickly. The bear said that it like the rabbit as a friend and refused to eat it. The duo hugged and became friends. They decided to play a game, but before that the bear was hungry again. The book ended with how the rabbit was flabbergasted at the bear’s hunger strike in such a short time after his last meal. 🙂

I will give this adorable book a rating of 4 out of 5 stars. The graphics are drawn really well and the plot was sweet. I finished the book in less than five minutes. For those of you who would like to read the full book, go google for the titled 你今天真好吃. Hope you all enjoy reading my book review. Wishing everybody have a beautiful day ahead. 🙂


BookwormMindy 😛

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